Today I had the opportunity to attend church with one of my friends at the church she attends in Monmouth. It was very different atmosphere for me at I had never been to this denomination before and it was much smaller than I am used to at Salem Heights.
I find it amazing how God can work in such wonderful ways. Although I didn't love the worship, and I didn't feel a real connection to the way the preacher spoke and he had turned me off to what he had to say due to some political references about our President Elect; God still was able to reach me. The preacher emphasized being more thankful, more grateful and more content in our day to day lives.
I realized that all too often due to the stresses and burdens that are present in day to day life I forget to thank god daily for all of the blessings that I have in my life.
Today, November 9, 2009 I am thankful for many things:
* I am thankful that I live in a country that has the right to practice religion freely.
* That I have a warm bed to sleep in every night.
* That I have been able to attend college and I almost have my degree.
* That my parents are still married.
* That I have a job.
What are you thankful for today?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
What am I thankful for?
Posted by Aaron & Kaitlynn at 1:09 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Tumalo 2008
We just rolled in from a camping trip to Tumalo State Park in between Sisters & Bend. We went with a bunch of friends( Rose & Pat, Brittney & Raymond, Krystal Klassen, Kris, Amanda & Kameron, Jason Leon, and John & Sarah) At least one of each couple had grown up camping there with our parents every summer and had all been about 10 times together throughout the years. This year was special because it was our first year going as "grown ups" now that most of us are married and our parents no longer go. Here are a couple pictures while camping and some fun shots Aaron took of the river and the moon:
Krystal & Kameron:
Rose & Brittney:
The amazing shot Aaron captured of the moon from the rocks that we hiked up:
My Amazingly cute husband who just loves it when I take his picture:
Posted by Aaron & Kaitlynn at 10:36 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
September 2, 2008
Today is our 1 year anniversary. I had heard how fast the first year would fly by but I never imagined how quick it would really pass. I still feel like such a newlywed and I can't wait to see what this next year will bring us. Thanks for a great first year hubby-man, I love you!
Posted by Aaron & Kaitlynn at 12:14 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
New House, New Car, Lots of Thanks & Prayers!
Throughout our first year of marriage we have definitely had our share of trials. We have been learning how to live together and have dealt with the changes that every relationship makes as it matures into a married relationship. We had our months of trying to pay the bills off just my income when Aaron quit his job (and somehow we made it, even if it did include a humbling trip to the food bank) We have learned that God provides, and even when it doesn't feel like it things eventually look a little brighter.
This has definitely been a brighter week for us. We have officially been in our new rental house for 1 Week now! Last Saturday we started packing and on Sunday my family was amazing and helped us move nearly everything over to the new place. It has been so wonderful to have a fenced yard to let our dog out in and a shop & patio for Aaron to paint our furniture on. This house is such an amazing place and we are so thankful! Honestly if anyone ever needs a place to stay let us know, we have room!
The second huge blessing that we have received this week is our new car. It looks like this:It is a 2008 Toyota Corolla, and it is beautiful. Aaron's Grandma has owned it since January and now that she isn't driving anymore they have decided to give (that's right, GIVE) it to Aaron & I. Aaron is being so sweet and decided that it is my car since his car is still pretty new itself and mine is an older gas guzzler. Since this car has a whopping 1700 miles on it you will now and for the next 20+ years be seeing me driving around town sporting this pretty little car. Thank you Lord, I never imagined I would own a car that is so new!
If anyone is looking for a Red 1994 Honda Passport we are selling ours. Hopefully by the middle of September because the Boys & Girls Club will be closed for the month, leaving us a little under budget for our monthly bills :)
Posted by Aaron & Kaitlynn at 9:07 AM 2 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Tonight Aaron and I turned in our first ever 30 day notice. We will officially be out of our tini-tiny Apartment on August 31st and we couldn't be happier. Wednesday we went and met with our new landlords, they showed us around their house and asked how much we could afford to pay in rent. Isn't that unbelievable? They are a wonderful Christian couple who have decided they would use this house that they weren't able to sell to help others out. It is a 1600 sq ft house, 2 bedrooms, a huge air-conditioned attic, an office, 1 1/2 bathrooms, a dishwasher and oven that both work and the best part is it has a fenced front and back yard that our dog will be able to play in! I never though I would be so excited about a rental but I was pretty much in tears due to how it has all worked out for us. God is so good! We will post pictures of the house once we get moved in and will definitely be having a BBQ in our yard sometime soon.
Posted by Aaron & Kaitlynn at 12:19 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Prayer Request
Aaron & I heard about an amazing rental house a few weeks ago. Another couple that we are friends with were looking into renting it and it sounded AMAZING. They ended up being able to purchase a house to move into in October so they decided not to move into the rental house. It would be such a blessing if we would be able to get it. Tomorrow we are meeting with the people and will be able to look inside. We are pretty sure that we will rent it if it is really the great deal that it sounds like. So if you are a praying person, please send up a little prayer for us!
Posted by Aaron & Kaitlynn at 8:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I have decided that since we don't have any kids, and I already have a photography blog this blog gets very little action. It is hard to come up with enough stuff that might be interesting enough for someone to actually read. Regardless, here is what has been happening in our life.
1. Summer at the Boy's & Girls Club:
This has been my favorite summer by far for two reasons. #1 I get to work with my husband & #2 Joelle works at the Club. How great is it to work with both your husband and one of your best friends. GREAT. We save on gas since & have fun explaining to about 100 kids per day that "yes, we are married" and " yes, that does mean we live together" which is usually followed by ewww... or ohhh... "Kaitlynn & Aaron sitting in a tree". Kids are silly.
2. Fourth of July Weekend:
We spend the weekend of the fourth driving to Corvallis to see Aaron's Mom, Step-dad & grandparents for a delicious BBQ lunch, then we headed to Stayton for Fireworks. Saturday we went to the beach with my family + extended family members Joelle & Natalie and the little dog named Gambit. Sunday we drove to Vancouver to see Aaron's Dad & Step-mom. Aaron got to take ride on his dad's new "toy", his motorcycle & is looking forward to the day when we can afford to buy such fun toys for adults.
3. Church Softball:
Church softball season is coming to an end. This year has been one of Aaron's favorite years and he has really enjoyed the team of guys this year.

Joelle decided she needed to wear a shopping bag over her sweatshirt because it was raining. What a wimp...

Posted by Aaron & Kaitlynn at 7:49 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Henry Zeek Duncan
So my parents got his new little puppy. Actually he is HUGE, only 10 weeks and he is already 15.5lbs! He is a solid black "GoldenDoodle", but I think he looks more like a little black lamb. A little nameless lamb since they still haven't decided on a name. Technically due to a 3-1-1 vote his name is Zeek however, my Mom still thinks his name should be Henry and Jenna thinks it should be Duncan. What do you think?
Posted by Aaron & Kaitlynn at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Zum Gali Gali

Posted by Aaron & Kaitlynn at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Memorial Day Weekend
For our 3 day weekend we decided to make a trip to the Wildlife Safari in Winston and the Wildlife game park in Bandon. It was our first time to the Game Park in Bandon and was well worth the 4 hour drive. They have so many animals! When you first walk in you are able to hand feed a ton of little goats, deer and even a donkey. They practically attack you until they have eaten whatever treats you have for them. We were able to hold a baby kangaroo, a baby opossum, and pet a SKUNK! We also were able to pet a cougar and feed and play with baby leopards. We stayed at a very cute little roadside inn and spent the weekend taking pictures and walking the beach. The weather was perfect and we had so much fun! Here are some of the pictures of our little adventure!
Here are the little babies we got to play with!
Posted by Aaron & Kaitlynn at 3:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 26, 2008
Our puppy!
Here is the newest addition to the Chritton Family; Gambit, our long haired chocolate & tan mini Dachshund! Isn't he the cutest little guy ever?
Posted by Aaron & Kaitlynn at 7:53 PM 0 comments