I have decided that since we don't have any kids, and I already have a photography blog this blog gets very little action. It is hard to come up with enough stuff that might be interesting enough for someone to actually read. Regardless, here is what has been happening in our life.
1. Summer at the Boy's & Girls Club:
This has been my favorite summer by far for two reasons. #1 I get to work with my husband & #2 Joelle works at the Club. How great is it to work with both your husband and one of your best friends. GREAT. We save on gas since & have fun explaining to about 100 kids per day that "yes, we are married" and " yes, that does mean we live together" which is usually followed by ewww... or ohhh... "Kaitlynn & Aaron sitting in a tree". Kids are silly.
2. Fourth of July Weekend:
We spend the weekend of the fourth driving to Corvallis to see Aaron's Mom, Step-dad & grandparents for a delicious BBQ lunch, then we headed to Stayton for Fireworks. Saturday we went to the beach with my family + extended family members Joelle & Natalie and the little dog named Gambit. Sunday we drove to Vancouver to see Aaron's Dad & Step-mom. Aaron got to take ride on his dad's new "toy", his motorcycle & is looking forward to the day when we can afford to buy such fun toys for adults.
3. Church Softball:
Church softball season is coming to an end. This year has been one of Aaron's favorite years and he has really enjoyed the team of guys this year.

Joelle decided she needed to wear a shopping bag over her sweatshirt because it was raining. What a wimp...

I didn't realize you had your own lil family blog! How cute I love it! You two are such a great couple! Have a gREAT weekend!
I think Target should pay me for representing at the beach. #1 reason I like working at the club: I get to see your beautiful face and you get to help me do things like get bicycles out of basements.
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